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Passive candidates make up 75% of the workforce - get access to over 90% of them.

We focus on the passive market using our bespoke methods of finding top talent for you whether you need them now, or in the future. We meticulously and individually search for your ideal candidate based specifically on your requirements and job specification - both from our existing network, built up over 20 years working in your industry, and specifically targeting the entire market. 


All candidates are individually evaluated by our Founder, ensuring you have the most knowledgeable people recommended. This ensures we optimise the promotion of the opportunity and your business, and each candidate is individually vetted for relevant experience, capability and desire to work for you. 


Our success significantly out-points industry standards.  Our track record for new candidate engagement is 91% (candidates outside our existing network).


Get in touch with us to find out how we can do this for you.





We also have the capability to provide staff via our insourcing model.  Find out how this could benefit your business here



Employers: Employers
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